
Thursday, September 28, 2017

Kiwi Can (Week 10)

This week in kiwi can we got to play games that I forgot the names are because I always have short memory about the names of people and games, well some. We got to play outside for games that are ment to be outside, this was our last kiwi can season for this term because its the end of the term. These games were fun and I can still tell you the instructions to the game. The first game was the same game we played on week 5 or 4 I dont know. So the game requires a ball or a small if you want it extremly hard. Intructions : 1. Get in a circle. 2. Spread your legs 3. Put either 1 of the arms behind you. 4. Start the game. 5. Get a ball out of someones legs and then they will be out! And the second game was an fun one this time. The name of the game is "10 down". Game requires any ball. This is an team game. You have to put the ball on the ground and don't stop holding it then throw it to your team and they do the same game thing! When your team gets the 10 touch downs you win. Thats all I think we played in kiwi can.

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