
Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Royal Family

LI - To learn about the royal family and its history.

I learned so many things about this family, its also really well known and famous! In this session we are sopposed to get in group of 4 boys and 2 girls. We also have a family tree of this royal family. It was a really fun thing to learn, the royal family tree has been growing so much. Theres no family members in the family tree.

Friday, November 24, 2017

Survey / Test

LI: to compare and contrast a probability test with a statistical survey.

In this must do we have to ask everybody including the teachers. Our survey is for maths, probability is like factions buts its percentage. My survey is just picking a number between 1-6. When we finish that we have to do our test, which is probability test. We need to get a dice that has the same amount you picked for the survey.

Kiwi Sports

In kiwi sports we learned more things. We only learned holding the shuttle as a cup and doing the back hand start. Then we did the same thing from week 3. All the activities are fun. We also did our game from last week, the 2 v 2 game.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Past Tense

LI: to use past tense to show something has happened.
Session 1.

What did I learn - I learned how to use words that tell us we did in the past.

How did I learn - We had to work by ourselves to do this work. We have to use words that tell us the past. for example, dug is another word for dig but dug is a word that tell it happened in the past.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Fire Station

This week, our class got to visit the fire station. We learned important and cool facts about the fire station. 4 lucky people from our class got to have a go on using the hoe. This was a fun experience. It was an hot sunny day when we got to the fire station. We learned so many important information about this trip.

Friday, November 17, 2017

Can do

This week I played a game on the can do list its called "Free Rice". There are 2 versions of this game. The first one is just which sentence is correct. And the second one is finding words that have same meanings of words.

Links - English Grammer
Links - English Vocab

Kiwi Sport

In this season we learned how to start a badminton game by doing a back hand grid. Then we got into 2v2 games. We did not have enough nets so we had to put a waiting spot beside each net. Our teachers name is  named Kevin, our badminton teacher.

Keyboard drills 3

This is an easy must do since you have to copy the words and put it under the box. This week I did keyboard drills first. This is like touch keyboard. You have to not look at your keyboard while copying the words.

Commenting on Neveah

This week I commented on Neveah's kiwi sport blog.

I would not put a link because I would not like haters commenting like annoying maniacs.

Recount Planner (Juggling Balls)

LI: to evaluate the structure of a recount written by ourselves.

This week we learned how to juggle three balls. We had to make a recount of it. This is our TREE planning. What does TREE stand for you ask? The T in the TREE means title. R stands for reaveal. And the the 2 E's. The first one stands for events and the last E stands for ending. This was a east task but juggling the balls was not easy. We had to go in partners to do this must do.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Police Visit

This week on thursday we got a visit from the police! This was an exciting fun event cause we never saw a helicopter land next to us. They tell us special things that polices have. It was a hot day when they came. This event would be better than the others. They told things that polices dogs do and what polices in helicopters do!

Kiwi Can

In Kiwi Can we went to the hall for games that required respect. The first game we played was 'Horse, Knights, and gentalmans'. The game was just like simon says but with only five commands. The second game was 'Vocanoes and Valleys'. A team has to flip cones upside down and the other team has to flip the cones what angle its sopposed to be at. Our team won once. The other team won once also.


LI - To use a range of comprehension strategies to go deeper into a text

We had to continue on our same reading stratagy we did on week 4. This was a kinda hard task cause I did not know what synthesising means but then I had some help so now I understand.

Friday, November 10, 2017


This book was really cool to read. The book talks about a ship that has sunkin and ships people thought that wont be sunkin. If you have raz-kids or have a book at the libary like this you should read this if your really generous to read! I can not give a link to it because some people might not be signed up to see this, sorry!

Commenting on short film by jack!

This week I commented on a short film directed by Jack.


Kiwi Sport

In kiwi sport we are still learning with Kevin about badminton. We got to go in partners and then do some partner things to do. First we had to practice our balance for our badminton then second we played a normal badminton but we have to aim better and without a net to get over. All the activity in this season was fun.


LI - To use a range of comprehension strategies to go deeper into a text

What did I learn - I learned what the meaning of synthesising is and some examples of it.

How did I learn - People have to pick a reading stratagy to talk about that still have some space, then make a google slide and write about the things about it.

Can do (Free Rice)

This was an fun can do! In this can do you have to answer questions to get rice. You have to get the most rice. This is an non-stop game just like a endless runner but with no runner. All the questions are about writing sentences.


Keyboarding Drills

In this must do task we are sopposed do our touch typing by not looking at our keyboard and just copying the words we are sopposed to. This is an easy task everyone can beat.

Events section

LI - to write an “events” section for a recount.

In this task we mostly focused on events for our writing must do. An event section is what happened in the time. The activity we did was for our stick game, it was an really fun game to be honest. We needed all the infomation on the events from the game we did.


In this must do we are sopposed to explain some things about a professional. Me and Angela did Pilots and Business. We write facts down and links to some website that explain what our professional do. This task was not really easy because we had to find links and facts for the professionals.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Wheel Decide

The first random picker is for "What game on ROBLOX should I play today? (1/5). Which colour is better? (1/10). The third wheel is Which is better? (1/6, 2/6 3/6). These were just for learning. The purpose of this learning is about chance or choice. This was a easy task to do.

If you cant decide for yourself heres the link to the random picker - Wheel Decider

What game on ROBLOX should I play today? (1/5)

Which colour is better? (1/10)

Which is better? (1/6, 2/6 3/6)

Friday, November 3, 2017

Kiwi Sports

This week in kiwi sport we did badminton again but with new things to do in it. The activities in this season was all easy. People were required to go in partners to do this activity. My partner was Karlos he was good at badminton. We only had 2 things to do in the activity. The first one was someone has to throw a shuttle at there partner so they can hit it and the person who threw the shuttle has to catch it from the other partner. The second one is we just go normal badminton. That is all we did in badminton so have a great day!

Recount Planner TREE

LI - to write a “reveal” section for a recount.
to plan and write a recount in 40 minutes.

This must do was the easiest this week cause all I had to do was play a stick game and write notes about it. This was also a fun must do for everyone.

QAR Template

LI -  To use a range of comprehension strategies to go deeper into a text

This must do was easy. All we had to do in this must do we just had to make questions from a online file. I had to work with the same partner from leader ship and resilience. My partner did most of the work though.

Emergency service (Search and rescue) (Life Guards)

LI - To learn infomation about life guards and search and rescue

What I learned - Some new facts and infomation about life guards and search and rescue from different websites and different books.

How I learned - People have to go in a group of 6 to partner up with 1 person the the group to talk different emergency services.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Kiwi Can T4 W3

This week in Kiwi Can we learned respect on coperative games that give us respect because we have to listen to somone who is making a plan. The first game we played was "Tangled" I think cause we have to tangle each other and try and get untangled to people. The second game was a sports game called one down. In One Down we have to get in teams and try to get 5 points by passing at people. That is all we did at kiwi can so have a great day!

Keyboard Drill 3