
Friday, July 28, 2017

Relationships with ourselves and others

LI: Identify actions and factors that can prevent a team from working co-operatively. Work effectively as part of a team. Make sound decisions about safety.
What did I learn: I learned what an affective team does and what would make a team fall.
How did I learn: We have to come up ideas more than 10 ideas and say which one would be the greatest idea.


LI: To learn about three dimensional shapes’ names and their properties.
What I learned: I learned what areas in shapes are and edges are in shapes.
How did I learn: I learned by measuring my shape and counting the corners, and faces

Kiwi Can

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Capitals and full stops

Learning Intention - To use capital letters in our writing. To use full stops in our writing.
What did I learn - I leaned where to put caps and full stops and how to use it.

How did I learn - I copy and paste the work on my docs and try and correct all the mistakes.
Capital letters
    • Last year we went to France for our holidays. It was very warm.

    • Have you seen Born free? It’s a film about lions in Africa.

    • After speaking to Jim, I went home. It was a long day.

    • Easter is sometimes in March, but this year it is in April.

    • What day is it today? It’s Sunday.
    • Full stops
    • Fred has a dog the dog is called Ned. ​Ned is brown with white patches and a ​white face. Fred likes to play with Ned. ​Ned is naughty if Fred throws the ball. ​Ned will catch it in her mouth. Ned runs ​away with the ball she will not bring it ​back. Ned will walk on her lead if Ned is ​not on her lead she will run away. Ned ​likes to chase cats and rabbits she digs in ​daddy’s garden mummy takes Ned for a ​walk to school to collect Fred. Fred loves ​to see Ned after school Ned loves to see Fred too.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Duck Overboard

Learning intention - To identify the main ideas in a text
What did I learn - About the story talking about the ducks going overboard and also how dangerous storms are at sea. Learned need to track the currents.
How did I learn - I watched a video talking about ducks overboards and read the passage and wrote about it in my words in Main Idea Summary Frame.

Friday, July 7, 2017


Learning intention - To develop an understanding of the different elements of Matariki. To make Text to Text, Text to world, and text to self connections
What did I learn - I learned about matariki and the od stories they have about the seven stars.
How did I learn - We have to answer questions on the bottom of this text and we also watched videos about matariki.

Tamaki Wrap - Plastic

Learning intention - We why plastic is bad. When we throw plastic, we are killing nature. Animals think plastic is food so they eat it and they die from it. We also glued rubbish on paper and made it look like a football field. We change around groups when 10 minutes are up. Plastic can be used any where. Its mostly popular in a super market like pak'n'save. Before we got in the hall we watched a movie called "Bag it." We have not watched all the parts of the movie thou.

Combined Weight

Learning intension - To measure our weight using scales.
What did I learned? - I learned how to use scales and what my weight is and my friends weight is.
How did I learned? - We used a scale to watch each check each others weight and when we finished that we combine how weight to a gorilla, boeing, and 2 for our choice.

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Story organiser

Learning intention - To learn and write narritives quicker.
What did you learn? - We learned how to write a narritive about a picture.
How did you learn? - We go in groups to plan a story about a picture. When we finished planing we write in our own words in out story organiser.

Monday, July 3, 2017

The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me.

Learning intention - Answer a list of comprehension questions from througout the book.
What did I learn? - I have to answer questions from the comprehension.
How did I learn? - I have to read in the book to find answers in the comprehension questions.